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2.2.2015 HETIn artikkeli- ja uutispankit sekä HETI-lehdet on avattu vapaasti luettavaksi.

14.10.2014 ARTIKKELI
Rotukoirien jalostus - näillä mennään
Artikkeli luettavissa Artikkelit sivulla ..........................................................

29.9.2013 UUTINEN
Pitkien selkien ja pienikokoisuuden jalostamisella on negatiivisia yhteyksiä koirien terveyteen
Uutinen luettavissa uutispankissa ..........................................................

12.9.2013 UUTINEN
FM Marjo Hytösen väitös Geenivirhe aiheuttaa häiriöitä koiran karvoituksen ja hampaiden kehityksessä
Uutinen luettavissa uutispankissa ..........................................................

27.7.2013 UUTINEN
ELL Anu Lappalaisen väitös 14.6.2013: Koirien perinnöllisistä luustosairauksista uutta tietoa röntgenseulonnalla
Uutinen luettavissa uutispankissa ..........................................................

27.7.2013 UUTINEN
Dopamiini-trasportaatiogeeni mahdollisesti syynä poissaolo- ja aggressiivisuuskohtauksiin belgianpaimenkoira malinois?illa
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13.7.2013 UUTINEN
Uusi tieteellinen lehti koiratutkimukselle
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13.7.2013 UUTINEN
Atooppiseen ihottumaan yhteydessä oleva geeni paikannettu
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13.7.2013 UUTINEN
Geeniterapia parantaa tyypin 1 diabetesta sairastavat koirat
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2.5.2013 UUTINEN
Kastroidut ja sterilisoidut koirat elävät pidempään
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3.4.2013 UUTINEN
Hengitysvaikeuksia pidetään tietyille roduille normaalina
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3.4.2013 UUTINEN
Aikaisen steriloinnin ja kastroinnin vaikutukset terveyteen kultaisillanoutajilla
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22.2.2013 UUTINEN
Omistajat eivät aina tunnista koiriensa äänipelkoa
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22.2.2013 UUTINEN
Sama geenivirhe aiheuttaa Pompen taudin sekä koirille että ihmisille
Uutinen luettavissa uutispankissa ..........................................................


Käyntejä kotisivuilla:298600 kpl


The wellbeing of dogs is man's responsibility


The problems facing dog breeding today are diverse. Some breeds have individuals with such problems in their conformation that they can´t enjoy a doggy, active lifestyle; dogs with very short muzzles cannot even breathe freely.  In some breeds the dogs have droopy eye-lids collecting all dust and rubbish on the way, making the eyes constantly bloodshot and melancholy. People find these dogs endearing.

No-one tells you when a trait has been bred to a sufficient level, when the goal has been reached - you just keep breeding it more and more. The muzzle needs to be shorter and shorter, the eyes bigger and bigger, and the angulation more pronounced.  People have got used to certain breeds looking the way they do, and they don´t realise the dogs are in discomfort.

Dogs suffer from an inordinate amount of inherited diseases. The load of inherited diseases in dogs is tenfold to that in Finns, for instance. The diseases have concentrated in dogs because the breeds were mainly developed from just a handful of dogs, and inbreeding has been used to help stabilize the coveted breed-specific traits into the stock. Further genes have been lost by keeping closed registers and using only very few individuals for breeding. In some breeds 95% of the males are for one reason or another disqualified from breeding. Lots of different genes are needed particularly for the development of a healthy anti-immune system and to maintain overall vitality.  It is not surprising that many breeds suffer from infections, allergies and so-called autoimmunal diseases.

The Society for Canine Genetic Health and Ethics focuses on the ethical side of dog breeding, and aims at helping dogs by increasing the awareness of breeders, prospective puppy buyers and others dealing with dogs, of the current problems in dog breeding and ways to help solve them.  The Club keeps a close eye on the research going on in the field, and makes the results readily available in lay terms.

The Club organizes lectures and seminars, maintains contacts to both Finnish and foreign organizations involved in issues related to the wellbeing of dogs, offers information and runs a line of publications.  Our associates are for instance Finnish Federation for the Animal Welfare Associations (www.sey.fi) and The Finnish 4H Federation (www.4h.fi).

The Society for Canine Genetic Health and Ethics accepts both individuals and associations as members. Members can attend lectures and seminars and order publications at reduced member rates. A free advisory service in dog breeding issues is also available.

The Society for Canine Genetic Health and Ethics was founded on September 27. 2001 and was officially registered on January 30. 2002. Website www.koiranjalostus.fi.

Press release, introduction of the Club, November 21. 2009 translation: Marjukka Mäkinen